Learn how to use, create, and customize Experts in Adapta One for specific tasks and optimized workflows.
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Learn how to use, create, and customize Experts in Adapta One for specific tasks and optimized workflows.
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Experts are customized AI agents in Adapta One. You can discover popular Experts, create your own, or use those curated by Adapta. Customize them with specific instructions, AI models, file training, and advanced settings to optimize their performance for specific tasks.
Go to the model selection section in Adapta One.
Click on the "Experts" option.
You will see a screen with three main tabs:
Use the search bar to find specific Experts.
Most recent
Alphabetical order
Try different filters to discover Experts that best fit your current needs.
Fill in the following information:
Define a Clear Purpose: Keep in mind a specific task or area of expertise for your Expert.
Be Detailed in Instructions: The clearer and more specific your instructions, the better the Expert's performance.
Choose the Right Model: Consider the characteristics of each AI model when selecting the base for your Expert.
Use File Training: Take advantage of the file upload function to provide specialized knowledge to your Expert.
Balance Creativity and Precision: Adjust these parameters according to the type of task your Expert will perform.
Test and Refine: Create multiple versions of your Expert and test them to find the optimal configuration.
File training strategies to improve Expert performance
Configuration optimization for different types of tasks
Integration of Experts into complex workflows
Create three different Experts for distinct areas of interest or work.
Upload at least one relevant training file
Experiment with different creativity/precision settings
Test each Expert with a series of relevant questions or tasks
Compare the performance of the Experts and make adjustments as necessary.
Consider sharing your most successful Expert in the Marketplace.
Keep a record of the settings and results of each Expert. This will help you refine your creation skills over time.
Get specialized assistance in specific areas
Improve the efficiency of your workflows
Share knowledge with the Adapta community
Remember that creating an effective Expert is an iterative process. Don't hesitate to experiment, adjust, and refine your creations. With practice and experimentation, you'll be able to create Experts that not only meet your specific needs but can also be valuable to other platform users.
Continue exploring the possibilities, sharing your creations, and learning from the Adapta One community. Experts are a manifestation of the power of personalized AI - use them to boost your productivity and creativity to new heights!